Wisdom Teeth
Is it better to get rid of your wisdom teeth or to keep them?

New Product: Zellie's Xylitol Mints Month Supply Pouch
Zellie's Xylitol Dental Mints are now available from Healthy Kiwis for shipping in Australia and New Zealand.
The new Month-Supply Pouches are perfect for refilling jars. Each resealable bag contains the right amount to last…

New Product: 3M 1870+ N95 Surgical Mask & Respirator
The highest level of protection available - trusted by health professionals worldwide

New Product: Hydrion Chlorine 0-800 ppm Test Kit
Hydrion Chlorine 0-800 ppm Test Kits are now available in Australia and New Zealand from Heathy Kiwis.With colour matches at 0-50-100-150-200-250-400-600-800 ppm, the test strip measures concentrations between 0-800 ppm, detecting exhaustio…

New Product: 4Life Transfer Factor Lung
4Life Transfer Factor Lung is now available from Healthy Kiwis for shipping in Australia and New Zealand.Taking Transfer Factor Lung supports your respiratory health and can support your body's natural ability to fight against airborne path…